6 Things I Started Doing At 50!

I think it is so important to maintain a healthy lifestyle so you can look and feel your best at any age! However, it is not easy and it seems to get harder as you age! Checkout my latest video where I share my 6 tips to be fabulous at 50 and beyond!

Stay busy being fabulous,

Kery B.


  1. Debora Wright
    November 7, 2018 / 6:31 am

    Another great video. I love how you steer viewers back to your blog (smart 😉). I relate to this greatly. I’m getting to be high maintenance at 49 years old, but it’s well worth the effort! We can’t let it all go ladies. Fight to maintain your health and beauty with all that you have and enjoy it. Thanks again Kery B! – Deb

    • Kery B.
      November 7, 2018 / 6:49 am

      Thanks Deb! Yassss! It takes a lot to wake up like this! 😂 I appreciate your comment and you look amazing girl! Your maintenance is paying off 😉💕